Choosing the Right Location for Your EV Charger: Home vs. Commercial

As the world shifts towards a greener and more sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. With advancements in technology and a growing infrastructure, owning an EV has never been more practical. However, one critical aspect of owning an EV is deciding where to install your charging station. Whether you’re considering a home EV charger or a commercial EV charger, choosing the right location is essential for convenience, accessibility, and functionality.

Let’s explore the factors to consider when deciding between a home EV charger and a commercial EV charger, as well as the key considerations for selecting the optimal location for your charging station.

Home EV Charger: Convenience and Accessibility


Installing a home EV charger provides the ultimate convenience. You can plug in your vehicle every night, ensuring it’s always fully charged in the morning. This convenience eliminates the need for frequent trips to public charging stations, saving you time and effort.

Cost Savings:

Charging your EV at home is typically more cost-effective than using commercial charging stations. Home electricity rates are often lower, and some utility companies offer special EV charging rates, further reducing your energy costs.

Location Flexibility:

When choosing a location for your home EV charger, consider factors like the distance to your parking spot, electrical panel capacity, and installation costs. A dedicated parking space near your home’s electrical panel is usually the most practical choice.

Charging Speed:

Depending on the charger’s power level and your home’s electrical capacity, you can control the charging speed. This allows you to adapt to your daily charging needs, whether it’s a quick top-up or a full charge overnight.

Commercial EV Charger: Accessibility and Public Use


Commercial EV chargers are essential for those who don’t have access to home charging options. They provide a critical charging infrastructure for EV owners who live in apartments, condos, or areas without home charging capabilities.

Fast Charging:

Commercial charging stations typically offer faster charging speeds than most home chargers. This makes them ideal for drivers on the go who need a quick boost during a busy day.

Networking and Payment Options:

Many commercial charging networks provide user-friendly apps and payment systems, making it easy to locate, use, and pay for charging services.

Choosing the Right Location

Whether you opt for a home or commercial EV charger, selecting the right location is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:


Ensure the location is easily accessible for your daily charging needs. For home chargers, it should be near your parking spot. For commercial chargers, consider the proximity to your regular routes and destinations.

Electrical Capacity:

Assess your electrical panel’s capacity when installing a home charger. Ensure it can support the charger’s power level without overloading your electrical system.

Permitting and Regulations:

Check local regulations and permitting requirements for both home and commercial chargers. Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid issues in the future.

Future Expansion:

If you plan to expand your EV fleet or expect more EV owners to use your commercial charger, choose a location that allows for scalability.

Weather Protection:

Consider weather protection for outdoor chargers to prevent damage and ensure safety during adverse conditions.

Deciding between a home EV charger and a commercial EV charger depends on your unique circumstances and needs. Home chargers offer convenience and cost savings, while commercial chargers provide accessibility and fast charging options. Regardless of your choice, selecting the right location is paramount to maximize efficiency and usability. Carefully assess your situation, consult with professionals like Go Electricals  who are there for all your EV charger solutions, and enjoy the benefits of electric vehicle ownership while contributing to a greener planet.

Customer Notice

When calculating a finance price, please note 20% of your original price must to added to your total to cover finance fees.

Installation lead time - approx 8 days